Explore The Events we offer:

Lincoln Douglas Debate

In this one-on-one format, students debate a topic provided by the National Speech & Debate Association. Topics range from individual freedom versus the collective good to economic development versus environmental protection. Our camp curriculum will include direct instruction and practice from research phase of case construction through debating. Our Lincoln Douglas Sessions are geared towards beginner and intermediate debaters. Students will build the fundamental skills sets needed for argumentation and to adapt to a variety of different styles

. Lincoln Douglas debate is offered at both the Boston Flagship and Drake University Intensive.


Public Forum Debate

In this two-vs-two format, students debate a topic provided by the National Speech & Debate Association. Topics typically reflect current events and can be US specific or focused on a different organization/ governing body. Our camp curriculum is tiered from beginning to advanced debaters. Students will learn how to unpack a topic, do basic research, evaluate strategic pathways, and completing practice rounds.

Public Forum debate is offered at both the Boston Flagship and Drake University Intensive.


Oratory and Informative speaking

In Oratory and Informative Speaking, students craft and deliver original speeches that are designed to inform or persuade their audience about a topic of their choice. Our curriculum is structured to guide students at all levels, from beginners to experienced speakers. Participants will learn how to choose compelling topics, conduct thorough research, organize their thoughts, and refine their delivery.

Oratory and Informative Speaking will be offered at both the Boston Flagship and Drake University Intensive.


Interpretation Events

Interpretation events, including Dramatic Interpretation (DI), Humorous Interpretation (HI), Program Oral Interpretation (POI) and Duo Interpretation, challenge students to bring literature to life through performance. These events require a blend of creativity, emotional depth, and precise character work. At camp, students will explore various genres of literature and learn how to interpret and perform these pieces with nuance and authenticity. Whether students are new to the art of interpretation or seasoned performers, our curriculum provides personalized coaching and practice opportunities to elevate their performances. By the end of camp, students will be equipped with the techniques to deliver powerful, memorable interpretations that resonate with their audiences.

Interpretation is offered at both the Boston Flagship and Drake University Intensive.


Public Speaking and Argumentation Lab

Public Speaking and Argumentation Lab (PAL) will be a comprehensive program designed to help students become confident and strategic in their public speaking and argumentation skills. Attendees will use the models of Congressional Debate, Extemporaneous Debate, and Extemporaneous Speaking to build on persuasive communication skills. Our PAL Lab is perfect for the student that is looking to develop and refine their executive leadership skills, prepare for college interviews, as well as a role in student government, Model UN or strengthen their academic pursuits.

PAL Lab debate is offered at the Boston Flagship Camp.


Congressional Debate

In Congressional Debate, students simulate the experience of debating in a legislative assembly, where they draft, present, and argue for or against legislation. This event is designed to develop students’ understanding of the legislative process, as well as their skills in argumentation, research, and public speaking. Our camp offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers all aspects of Congressional Debate, from writing effective bills and resolutions to mastering parliamentary procedure. Students will engage in mock sessions, receive individualized feedback, and learn how to articulate their positions persuasively. Whether they are new to Congressional Debate or seeking to refine their skills, our program prepares students to excel.

Congressional debate is offered at Drake University Intensive.